Installed Base of Automation and Security Products
The Security and Automation products (reseller & integrator Zarifopoulos SA/Honeywell, have an installed base of more than 200 mid size buildings, and a large number of complex installations:
- Banks: National Bank of Greece (Hermes Security monitoring system), Alpha Bank (Hermes Security & Bank Branch monitoring system), Eurobank
- Theatres : Concert Hall Thessaloniki, M. Lazariston (Hermes Security monitoring)
- Museums : National Gallery Athens (, Archeological Museums Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Crete
- Airport Thessaloniki (Hermes customisation for Airport 2D/3D security monitoring)
- Company Buildings: Pfizer Athens, Delta factory, Petrogaz plant (load control), ING Hellas, Occidental Resort Kos
- Sports Venues: Volleyball stadion of the Olympic complex (Hermes Security CAD), FC AEK Athens old stadion (Security, entrance control and ticket validation)
- Public Security: Department of Thuringen State for Public Security (Weimar,Germany), Central building of police (Hermes 2D CAD, in the central police building, G.A.D.A., Athens)
Gaming/Sports Betting Systems
- Intralot SA, Greece (internal information systems)
- Favorit Bet, Russia (online betting system for retail and web)
- Lerners, Romania (online betting system for retail)
- EnterB, Malta (online betting system for web users, cert. by LGA)
- Alpha Games, Austria (integrated betting and slots gaming systems)
- Theros Itl Gaming Inc/ GCM (Casino Rio and Xanthi), Greece (internal casino management and game monitoring system)
Research Projects
- ANEMO project, as a subcontractor of HTR (Robotic simulators for ESA)
- TELEDIMOS project, as a subcontractor of HTR (3D graphics engine for 4 legged autonomous robots)
- Real time scanning and 3D visualisation of the near environment for robotic excavators (JCB,HTR)
- Medical research projects: Software for Protein recognition (docking) using genetic algorithms
- Improvement of speech recognition algorithms using Hidden Markov Models and Neural Networks
Custom Development Projects
- Univerisy of Crete, internal systems and online services for students
- Payzone Hellas, Romania : online sales systems
- Greek Telecom (OTE) : Building automation system "Thermi"
- FC AEK Athens: ticket sales system and entrance control integrated with Hermes Security system